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I Feel Stuck in Negativity

By October 31, 2018No Comments

I’m disgusting. Everyone is angry. I punched myself in the head again.


  • Being negative can make you feel like you hate yourself and may even make you feel like spiraling out of control. You are strong for getting help even though you feel down at this time.
  • Knowledge is power. Becoming negative and harming yourself can be dangerous. Head to the Teen Central website and click the Learn tab then Self Injury, Depression or any other topics you can relate to. You can see if this helps you understand your problem better.
  • If you need someone to talk to, you can go to Teen Central and click the Help tab to call one of the hotlines.
  • You can speak to a trusted therapist if you feel the need to.
  • Loss of hope can make your thoughts begin to spiral out of control. Maintain a positive frame of mind to make dark thoughts disappear.
  • Being spiritual is often a simple way to find peace in a hectic world. On the Teen Central website, you can click the Learn tab then Spirituality to learn more. Prayer, yoga, meditation and attending church services  are some suggestions to calm the mind and spirit.
  • Be positive. You can try repeating positive affirmations to yourself each day. Staying positive requires commitment. Commit to positive thinking by writing or doodling in a daily journal. Ask someone positive you can trust to help you stay on track.
  • Instead of harming yourself you can try expressing your intense feelings with creativity. Art therapy is used to help those with mental health issues and other problems get through hard times. Besides this, many famous artists have degrees feelings the express by being creative. Some activities you may want to try are drawing, painting or playing a musical instrument.
  • If the people around you and your environment are negative you’ll likely never rest. You can find a quiet place to get away like maybe your room, a local park or library.
  • You may feel like your life lacks meaning. You can try focusing your energy on helping others. Some ways to volunteer are by helping out at an animal shelter, planting a garden or teaching children to read.
  • Having responsibilities can give a person control over their own life, a sense of purpose and something to focus on. You can try being responsible by getting a pet, a part-time job or simply doing chores around the house.
  • Practice self-love by treating yourself and your body with genuine respect. You can eat healthier foods or have fun doing activities you enjoy. Be grateful for nature and your life because you deserve it.


  • If you wrote down the many reasons your life matters, what would that list look like?
  • In what ways would committing to positive thinking change your future for the better?
  • What are some other positive activities you might enjoy so you can take your mind off things?