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I Think I’m Trans

By February 21, 2021No Comments

Hello. This is my first time here but I wanna say everything to somebody. I was born being a boy. Since I was little I always played more with girls and I liked to dress in pink and to do things that are normally female-associated. But I don’t feel okay. Recently I started hating my body because it feels so ugly. It feels like that’s not my body. Also, I feel mentally like I wanna be a girl and act like a girl, and I want everybody around me to treat me like a girl. The problem is that I’m scared because what if they don’t understand it? Maybe they think I’m stupid or ridiculous or something, and they start hating me, but it’s just that I feel so bad in this body.

Help Yourself

  • Before anything else, thank you for having the courage to reach out and trusting the TeenCentral community to try and help.Figuring out who we are in this world is one of the hardest things for anyone to do, especially with everyone’s expectations of who we’re supposed to be. It’s important to have people around us to support us in that journey. Do you have people that you would consider a support system as you make these decisions? It may be your parents/ guardians, a teacher or guidance counselor, church counselor, therapist. etc.
  • It’s important that you know you are not alone. You can tell that I speak the truth just by scanning through the many TeenCentral stories on this website. Many youth go through what you are experiencing and have asked for help. Please don’t feel hopeless or isolated.
  • There are also hotlines that may be helpful if you feel the need to reach out to someone anonymously. We want to connect you with experts who can answer the really specific questions you probably have about this. TeenCentral focuses on all aspects of mental health, but these numbers below are more specifically focused on LGBTQ concerns. Please consider the hotlines below if you need to:

Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender National Help Center

  • Monday-Friday 1pm to 9pm pacific time
  • Monday-Friday 4pm to 12am eastern time
  • Saturday 9am to 2pm pacific time
  • Saturday 12pm to 5pm eastern time

Support for LGBT youth
Youth Talkline: 1800-246-PRIDE (7743)

Trans Lifeline
Available 24/7
Hotline staffed by volunteers who are all trans-identified and educated in the range of difficulties transgender people experience

  • U.S. (877) 565-8860
  • Canada (877) 330-6366

Consider This for Yourself

  • While you’re working through the decision of how you want to move forward, have you explored our site? Our LEARN tab on our website has a section on Sexuality – LGBTQ. It has some great advice for making decisions regarding the coming out process that you may find beneficial.
  • In our TOOLS section we have some tools for creating a support plan or making hard decisions. These may help you work through this as well.
  • Do you have things to do that help keep you balanced when you’re feeling anxious? There are ideas for that here too. It’s always good to have healthy ways to relax when things seem overwhelming.