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What do I do?

By May 18, 2020No Comments

So I’ve read up on depression symptoms and I show most of them. I’m not 100% sure I have it but I’m scared to tell my parents bc they will say I’m just seeking attention and what if they do? What should I do now??


  • Thank you for sharing your story with the TeenCentral community! Wondering if you may have depression could be difficult, confusing, and yes, even scary. Being able to take the first steps of sharing these feelings and talking about the possibilities of having depression shows your strength.
  • Using your resources to help gain understanding is a great skill to have. Knowledge is powerful and empowering. We have many additional resources here at TeenCentral that you can always use to help yourself. You can click on the “Learn” tab and then any of the subtopics such as: Depression, Anxiety and Wellness to gain more information and insight. Click on the “Stories” tab to read entries from others and the responses they received from our counselors. You can even search using keywords such as “depression” to help narrow them down if you’d like. We have a “Tools” tab with other helpful resources like the “Daily Positive Reminder”, “Weekly Mood Tracker” and the “Virtual Hug”. There’s also a “Help” tab with both text and hotline contacts if you ever need someone to talk to.
  • Being strong and resourceful is an awesome foundation to help yourself but connecting with trusted support systems around you is another important step in overcoming challenges. From your post, you recognize that and also know how scary it can be. It’s ok. It can be really hard to express your feelings and story to parents sometimes for fear of how they may respond or view you. Is there any other trusted adult in your life who you think you could talk to?


  • Have you ever tried writing? You could use it to journal your thoughts, list positive qualities and experiences in your life, or even use it to help you prepare to talk to your parents or another trusted adult. You could write your parents a letter to explain how you feel. When you are done, you can keep it, trash it, rip it up, or even give it to them depending on how you feel. You get to make that choice.
  • As important as it is to educate yourself and utilize your support systems, it’s just as important to practice good self-care to help work through any symptoms of depression you may be feeling or just to help you feel better in times of difficulty or stress. Things like art, movement, or just simply being outside can all have tremendous benefits. Exercise can be a natural mood booster and daily habits like eating well and getting enough sleep help keep your body and mind in shape. Surrounding yourself with things that provide comfort is also important – keeping a comfy blanket, your favorite movie or music playlist, or other positive healthy things to help you relax when you aren’t feeling good.
  • Try to stay invested and involved in things and people that have made you happy in the past. Hobbies or activities that you genuinely enjoy and spending time with people who care about you can be uplifting on the hardest of days when you just want to isolate and do nothing. You can set goals for yourself to stay involved in these things and track positive accomplishments. You’ve taken some of the hardest steps already, you can keep moving forward.