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Will My Grandparents Accept Me?

By November 11, 2020No Comments

I was thinking of tell my grandparents about me being gay (lesbian), but then I thought about then not acepting me, my mom is the same as me, she accepts me, I have this crush that is in my middle school class, I think she like me too, we have done the nasty and idk why but what should I do? What if everyone finds out? What if she was drunk and actually doesn’t like me? Whatever, I should try Giving her my new number…. Wish me luck!



  • Thank you for reaching out to Teen Central! We appreciate you sharing your story with us.
  • We hope you check out the other Stories on our site, and see that you are not alone trying to navigate this sensitive issue of being honest with your grandparents about who you are, and also trying to figure out a new relationship.
  • It sounds like your mom could be a strong support for you. Have you tried talking to her about how to approach your grandparents? Are there other people in your life that you feel comfortable trusting with this information? When we’re going through something tough, it’s important to feel like we have people that can listen and accept us. If you ever need additional support, consider reaching out to the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender National Help Center Youth Talkline at 1-800-246-PRIDE (7743) or
    The hours that they’re available are posted on our HELP page.


  • As you’re working through both issues – talking to your grandparents and this new relationship – consider making a list of pros and cons to help you figure out the best way you want to move forward. In our WHAT’S NEW section there’s a tool for MAKING HARD DECISIONS that may be helpful.
  • Under the LEARN section, there’s a SEXUALITY section that talks about issues LGBTQ youth face that may also be useful.
  • Do you enjoy other ways to express your thoughts and feelings? Some people enjoy expressing themselves creatively, whether it’s art, dance, music, or whatever! It’s important to know that your experience matters and you have many different ways to express what’s going on in your life besides talking to someone. Sharing these things could open a door to a conversation.
  • How are you taking care of yourself during this time? Remember to take some time to balance the stress you’re feeling with relaxation (find a resource in LEARN under WELLNESS) and other ways like yoga and meditation. There are great TOOLS to help guide you if you are not familiar with them. You don’t need any special skills or training, and you don’t have to be “good” at it to benefit! Take care and good luck!