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A cry for help

By September 23, 2020No Comments

I’m 17 years old and a girl, and I need help. Every time me and my dad get into a heated conversation he always hits me. The first time he punched me in the face and my uncle had to stop him from doing any other harm to me. He said sorry and that he wasn’t going to hit me again, but yesterday {date} he kept pushing me against the walls and throwing me around the house. Then he slammed me and I had hit my face on something and I have bruises on my face. He also threaten to bust my siblings in the head. He is also verbally abusive towards me he has said some hurtful stuff in the past to me that made me feel sad and bad about myself. His girlfriend didn’t do anything when he kept hitting me and throwing me, and slamming me against the walls, and floor. She made it seem like I was in the wrong. I told them I didn’t want to live with them, and they said that didn’t nobody want me and that he was going to send me to a Group Home. The only ones that care about me when this stuff was going on was my siblings and the daughter. I just want to leave the house before he ends up hitting me and hurting me again.


  • Your immediate safety is Teen Central’s number one priority! Because what has happened to you is both physically and emotionally dangerous to you (and potentially your siblings), your next steps should include medical and therapeutic professionals, as well as law enforcement. Any time another person puts their hands on you in a violent way, please contact 911 immediately. It is never ok for anyone to endanger your physical or emotional safety.
  • If you feel like calling 911 is not an option for you, you can always TEXT “Hello” to the Crisis Text line at 741-741. They are there for immediate assistance 24 hours a day. However, with the level of violence (you described) in your home, I sincerely urge you to seek out law enforcement and emergency medical professionals.
  • Is there anyone in your circle of friends or family that can get you to a local emergency room or a walk in clinic for your injuries? You may have long term physical injuries that need to be attended to. It is really important to make sure your injuries are being treated by a medical professional, right away.


  • Traumatic experiences like this may have long term impacts on your emotional health as well. Just know you are not alone, there are supports out there to help you get through this. The first step on your journey was sharing your story with the Teen Central community. The next step might be seeking out help from a therapist, guidance counselor or a doctor. This is vital to make sure you are living in a safe environment. Please continue telling your story.
  • Always remember that there are many people who can help you during these difficult times, you just have to reach out to them. You were strong enough to reach out to Teen Central, keep that line of communication going. And remember your safety and well-being is most important. We want you to be safe.