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Everything Happens For A Reason

By June 27, 2019No Comments

Everything Happens For A Reason


  • Having teen problems can make you feel negative and alone. You are smart for questioning things and trying to find solutions.
  • If you need someone to talk to, head to the Teen Central website and click the Help tab to call a hotline. You may also speak to a trusted therapist, school counselor or religious leader.
  • Try repeating positive affirmations to yourself to maintain a positive mindset. Stay hopeful by always having something to look forward to. Write down some things you’re grateful for in a daily journal.
  • You can express yourself in a healthy way by doing creative activities like drawing, painting or listening to music.
  • Spiritual techniques such as prayer, meditation or yoga can help you be calm in mind, body and spirit.
  • Volunteering has many health benefits and helps those less fortunate. You might want to help animals, the environment, children or homeless people. Find opportunities online or in your area by visiting websites like Volunteermatch.


  • In what ways can helping others help you have a more meaningful life?
  • How can being positive each day help you have a better life now and in the future?
  • In what ways can self love change your life for the better?