Families are complicated. They are made up of individuals all who have their own needs and expectations out of life. And then all of those individuals make up a group of people that kind of act as one unit and is, in itself, its own organism in a way.
Somehow each individual has to get their needs met on a daily basis. And the whole organism also needs to get its needs met as a family. This is a challenge.
Families come in all shapes and sizes. In today’s world they are made up in all different ways with various types of parental roles – sometimes with nuclear parents (one mom, one dad) single parents, or multiple parents, same-sex parents, grandparents acting as parents, foster parents, and I could go on. Young people living in various types of families at different ages still need attention and care. As you are growing up your needs will change and sometimes – well often times – that will create conflict within the family system.
We hear about this a lot in stories sent in to TeenCentral. Young people suffer when families are in conflict and so we want to provide some information that might help you understand more about why things are going the way they are and what you might be able to do to make it a little easier on yourself.