I live in a foster home that is supposed to support me mentally but its only making my mental health worse and worse each day. I went to the hospital one day from school, but my foster parents said I’m playing a game. I just wish I can self harm and hurt other people, but try to get help but they say I have help, well if you have trust issues I can’t trust anyone that part or contribute to my foster home. I wish I was dead but I guess I can’t get the help that I need and feel safe in the world. I have to thoughts of suicide and homicdal. I want to leave this foster home but I’m 16 and don’t have have the right to leave it. I need help what do I do? I can’t go to the hospital, can’t trust anyone.
Well I got to go I’m in class just needed to vent, but plz tell me what to do.
- First thing I want to say is thank you, for having the courage to reach out to TeenCentral for guidance. Often times, reaching out for help is very difficult for many reasons. Be proud of yourself for making that big step.
- What you are describing is a very difficult situation and pretty serious. Building trust is hard and starting with a talk with them might be a good idea. If that doesn’t work can you think of an adult that you do or can trust like your school counselor, teacher, someone from a church and/or your friend’s parents. Having a conversation with an adult would be the best place to start.
- If you feel as though you are having a hard time finding someone to talk to, hospitalization is not the only option. If you can look on the back of the insurance card that you are linked to, there will be a number to contact. This number can provide resources to professionals that take your insurance and can assist you.
- Other options could be reaching out to the crisis hotline which I have included here for you.
Crisis Textline
Available 24/7
Support to all individuals in crisis
Text “HELLO” to 741741
- The other resource that is available is the suicide hotline which I have included here for you as well.
National Suicide Hotline
Available 24/7
Helps individuals in suicidal crisis with support
- Here on TeenCentral website you can find resources that might help you or your friend. Under the Learn Tab click on self-injury. This will give you a better understanding of what self-harm is, why and what to do.
- In the Tools Tab you can find:
- Support Plan – https://teencentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/My-Support-Plan.pdf
- Weekly Mood Tracker – https://teencentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/016_0028B_TCWeeklyMoodTracker.pdf
- Social Skill – https://teencentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/016_0028K_TCSocialSkills.pdf
- Making a hard decision – https://teencentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ProsCons.pdf
- There are also many hotlines available to you on the TeenCentral HELP tab. Read over them because one of them may apply to your situation perfectly – and they respond immediately to you. Know that you are not alone. You got this!!!