Nothing is gonna help me at this point, I feel like everything is useless. I don’t want to go to a mental hospital, I’m very scared of having to be forced to go to one. I been telling the doctors I don’t cut, but I still need help, but at this point I feel like life is useless. I don’t wanna live anymore, I’m only 12. I’m going to cut myself, and I’m going to kill myself, i have fully convinced myself that there’s not a thing anyone can do. I’m having to cry in silence and I don’t want to anymore. I need to die.
- Wow! That must feel very scary and even lonely at times to feel like this. Thank you so much for reaching out to TeenCentral to help guide you to some resources during these challenging times.
- You spoke about not wanting to go to “a mental hospital”, have you ever been? If not, you may be surprised at how much this can be beneficial for you. You mentioned seeing “doctors”, have you ever gone to a professional therapist or psychologist? Meeting with a professional therapist or psychologist is greatly helpful. They are someone who always is fighting for you and there to help. They have endless knowledge or resources in your area and coping skills/tools for you to keep in your tool box.
- If you are ever so scared you don’t know what to do, consider reaching out to the Crisis Textline. Counselors are available 24/7 by texting the word “HOME” to 741741. You can also visit their website at www.crisistextline.org.
- Another great resource is the National Suicide Hotline. Counselors are also available 24/7 by calling 988 from your phone or by visiting their website at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.
- TeenCentral has many different resources available on our website. Click on our Learn tab. Here you will find information on many topics including Anxiety, Depression, Self Injury, and Wellness. Take some time to read through these. The information provided in here can help you understand these challenging situations and help you better navigate through them.
- If you head to the Tools tab you will find many activity sheets and guides to help you discover your triggers, support plan, and even coping skills. Take time to check out the following activities and guides; Support Plan, Depression, and even Stretch Yoga Pose or Strength Training.
- Now that you have gone through the resources in our Learn and Tools sections, sit back and think about activities that you enjoy. These are your coping skills. Coping Skills more than deep breathing, and journaling (however they both are great options). Coping Skills can be anything such as listening to, writing, or playing music/musical instruments, building small crafts, painting/coloring, walking/exercising, and even simply talking to people.
- Whenever you may feel like you are alone consider reading through some of the other Stories posted on our website. Growing up is very scary and confusing and many teens/preteens experience these similar feelings. These other Stories may help you feel less alone.