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I am already suicidal……

By June 6, 2022No Comments

Hi I am only (age)  but I am already suicidal. The reason is because a boy ‘friend’ told my older brother that the person I have a crush on has a crush on me and assumes we are in a ‘relationship’. Now my older brother says that to my mom. My mom wont let me go to the clubhouse where I see him. My mom only let me go there because of flores de mayo(My mom is religous) and now flores de mayo is done so I cant see him now. What do you think I can do?



  • First thank you for reaching out to TeenCentral about what is bothering you . It sounds like there are a lot of emotions maybe going on right now which can be hard to navigate at times.
  • Most importantly, it is important for you to be safe. That means reaching out if you are feeling like harming yourself in anyway. You can reach out for help by contacting the suicide hotline which has been listed below. If you don’t feel as though you want to talk to someone you can also text the crisis hotline “Hello” to 741741. Both of these hotlines are open 24/7 and there is always someone there that is willing to listen.

National Suicide Hotline
Available 24/7
Helps individuals in suicidal crisis with support


  • Another important thing is to TALK TO SOMEONE. Letting someone know what is going on is so important in making sure that you are communicating. This can be anyone from a parent, teacher, mentor, religious leader, or simply just a truth worthy adult. You are important and so is your safety.


  • It is important to take time to sit and think of the why. Maybe communicate with your mom on why she does not want you to go to the clubhouse. Communicating with one another can really assist in people getting out how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way.
  • Take this time to find you . If you are feeling a large amount of emotions it might be a good time to find some other coping skills. In our What’s New tab there is a ton of information in blog form about some of the exact things that you are talking about.
  • Next, take the time to look at our Tool tab. Here you will find a bunch of examples of coping skills , worksheets to promote positive thinking, and even yoga prompts. You may find something that you really like here that can help with some of these emotions that you report you are thinking.
  • Lastly, know that you are important and it is important to be safe!!!