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Losing control

By April 23, 2019No Comments

I’m Insane and I’m losing control. I need help and don’t know where to find it. I don’t have time to go into detail. I need to be put in a mental health hospital or residence. I want to know what is wrong with me and learn how to control it and try and be myself without losing my mind.


  • Feeling lost and feeling like you have no control of it can be a tough situation to handle but know that you are strong for reaching out for help and caring for yourself.
  • On the TeenCentral website under the Help tab there is a list of hotlines categorized according to your current situation. Those hotlines are direct help that you can access quickly and are available for you to use 24/7. If you are in danger and need immediate help do not hesitate to dial 9-1-1.
  • Speak to a trusted adult in your life that you are comfortable sharing your concerns. Support, guidance and positivity is what you need right now. Any help you can receive from that adult will get you closer to helping yourself if you ever find yourself in this situation again.
  • Be positive about life and become hopeful that you will come out of this situation better then ever. Surround yourself around people who bring you peace of mind and allow yourself to become a better version of yourself.


  • What can you do to help yourself the next time you are in a similar position?
  • What brings you happiness and peace of mind? (Think about activities you enjoy doing ex: drawing, exercise)
  • How can you approach a trusted adult about how you are feeling?
  • In what ways can your current situation improve if you carry a positive mindset?
  • What are some potential safe zones or objects that you have easy access to when you feel like you are losing control? (ex: visiting your local church, community center, stress ball, favorite bracelet)