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Please Help…

By May 16, 2022No Comments

My first day at the day hospital was on Friday. And nobody really talked to me, and all the other people are younger than me. Like by a lot. And there’s a girl in my group who is really triggering and makes loud noises all the time and loud noises trigger me a lot. I don’t want to tell the group leader to tell her to be quieter, but I’m just getting really triggered. My anxiety has been at its max this whole weekend, and my dad yelled at me again, and then a social worker was going to come to our house to check up on things because he’s abusive, but he didn’t understand, and he thinks the lady was coming to fix our relationship or something- which I don’t even want to fix anyways. Also, I’m getting a little paranoid because my mom tracks what I say on my phone and who I text, and I just want privacy. But whatever. I really don’t know. One of my friends died, but I don’t know if she really did-I think she did, but I don’t know because I only knew her for a little – I don’t know. I talk too much and have too many problems and then when I’m at the hospital I don’t even like it there because all I want to do is just go home, all the other girls know each other and play cards and stuff but then they were making fun of me a little because I don’t know how to play. I feel welcome by the staff but not welcome by anyone else. Please help.


  • Since Teen Central does not offer therapy nor the ability to speak one on one with a person, here are some resources you might find helpful.  Boys Town National Hotline (800) 448-3000 (serves girls too),  open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and staffed by specially trained counselors. Parents, teens and families can find help with a range of issues including abuse, anger, depression, school issues, or bullying. Also, try ReachOut (800) 448-3000, a site where teens and young adults can find the information they need, reach out, tell their stories, and voice their opinions without fear of being judged or being different.
  • It sounds as if you are already linked with Mental Health services and resources of some sort. We strongly encourage you to spend time and effort engaging and participating with the trained professionals at your partial hospitalization program and with your in-home services. While it may temporarily provide relief to share your story here, we also encourage you to share your story with the professionals who are working with you and your family. You will get out of therapy what you put into it, but it takes work, and sharing on your part.


  • If you are having a hard time getting along with peers, try the Social Skills tool on our TOOLS tab.
  • Consider keeping a gratuity journal of all the things in life you can be grateful for. This might help you remember what is important in life and what gets you through the day.
  • Think about ways you can contribute to your local society. Whether it is by volunteering, tutoring in school, walking dogs, buying a bagel for the person behind you in line at a coffee/bagel shop, or picking up garbage. This may help expose you to more positive people and positive experiences.