I live in the UK i think it was last year we started reciving threats from Russia. Now im terrified to hear planes above me and stuff like that. I’m having trouble with ”friends” threatening to jump me and stuff. Religion does help but i need a 2 sided convo but I hate opening up. I am constently scared but i can’t even open up abt that so i cant blame it on anxiety. Please i need help or sm1 to relate to because I hate my life so much. Please just help me
Please accept our apologies for the late response. We were experiencing some technical difficulties as of late. Normally, we respond much more quickly to our writers!
- That being said, thank you for writing in to TeenCentral. You mentioned that it is difficult for you to open up. So, we are so pound of you for telling your story! It’s the first step to getting help.
- It must be so scary to live under constant threat of war. It’s unbelievable to think that your friends, who should be your closest support system would be the ones who are making fun of you because of this fear. Are these people you have known a long time? Are they friends you can really trust? I would be curious to know if they are really the kinds of friends that you want in your life.
- TeenCentral has a section on this website that can really help you determine if these friends are the right kind of friends or the wrong kind. This is maybe the first step that we should look at.
- You said, “I can’t blame it on anxiety.” Let’s think about that for a minute. Could it be that anxiety over saying out loud what you are afraid of is linked to the fear of what your friends will do to you? It’s possible that anxiety is EXACTLY the source of you keeping your emotions bottled up inside! You are not only afraid of what may happen to your home and your country. You are also afraid all the time if your friends will follow through on their threats.
- Let’s learn more about Anxiety and how to cope with it!
- TeenCentral very often recommends journalling as a way of coping with problems and dilemmas in life. If you’ve never journaled before you may find the What’s New blog on our site about starting a journal helpful. You can read it HERE if you like. If you decide to get a notebook and begin a journal, here are some thought questions designed just for you and the story you wrote:
- How likely do you think it is that Russia will follow through on their threats to your country? Why do you think that?
- How would you and your family handle things if something dangerous happened? Have you talked with them about it? Would you like to, if you haven’t?
- If you haven’t shared your thoughts with your family members, what would you like to say?
- How does religion and faith help your situation?
- Have you asked your friends to stop taunting you? Why or why not?
- If you haven’t said anything to them, or if you haven’t said much, what would you like to say to them?
We hope that our support and resources are helpful to you. Living under this kind of fear must be very hard. We want you to know that TeenCentral is always here. Stay safe!