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Religion and Sexuality

By May 18, 2021May 19th, 2021No Comments

Why do my parents love to make me feel like a sinner or in the wrong just because I am a gay female and they think it’s a phase? I’m 15 and certain.


  • Thank you so much for reaching out to TeenCentral and trusting in us with your feelings. Talking about such a sensitive issue can be very difficult. Being open and true to yourself concerning your sexuality takes a lot of courage for anyone – but especially for a young person.  We are proud of you.  And yes, parents and family often have a hard time dealing with these issues.
  • First things first – we want you to stay safe as you deal with these very challenging family dynamics. Under the “Help” tab, you will find phone numbers to National Help Centers. One I would specifically recommend to you is to text “HELLO” to 741741, the Crisis Textline. It’s good for you because it’s active 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If this issue ever becomes so frustrating that you feel like you can’t go on anymore please text them. Talk it out.
  • has many resources dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. The information you will find may make it easier for you to express yourself to the parents and communicate about your “reality”. Hopefully your will feel supported by the information.
  • Being open to others about your sexuality is an important step towards being able to live as who you truly are. Communicating with your family about this is not new for you, but it is brand new to them. They are still adjusting to the idea of your identity, while you have had many years to grow and learn about who you are. I’m not excusing any negative or inappropriate reactions your parents have displayed toward you – only explaining where it may be coming from.


  • Is there any other trusted adult in your life you could speak to in person concerning this situation? Someone that may be able to sit down and help with having these difficult conversations with your parents? There’s no substitute for a really good face-to-face conversation with someone you can trust. Do you have an aunt or uncle, older sibling or cousin, coach, etc who could help you? Maybe there is even someone who is sympathetic to your situation who also has a strong faith background. That person could be very helpful indeed.
  • Meanwhile surround yourself with positive, supportive, like-minded people. There are others going through similar struggles in the LGBT groups of all ages that are available to chat with you.
  • Another recourse we offer is our blog. “What’s New?” Journaling as a coping skill for stress as you take this journey is a very helpful tool utilized by so many during struggling times.
  • And a sinner you’re not.