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School is Boring Right Now

By February 5, 2021No Comments

“School is boring right now.”


  • Thank you for writing in to our Teen Central Community. It sounds like you are having a rough time with school right now. Whether you are participating in person, hybrid, or remotely this school year has proven to be a challenge for many students.
  • Please have a look at our Teen Central WHAT’S NEW tab there is a great story for, Strengthening your Mental Wellness as COVID-19 Continues as well as, Killing Boredom and Staying Occupied.
  • Is there anyone that you can talk to at school about how you are feeling or to help give you ideas of things you can do/have during the school day. For example, can you ask your school if certain sensory or de-stressing items (like stress balls, fidget spinners, etc.) are allowed during class as long as you can still participate and get your work done?


  • Check out our TOOLS tab and try picking up some new activities that might help you cope with your boredom. Also you might find our Corona Comic interesting on this same tab.
  • Consider practicing Mindfulness to help you get focused again. There is a great app by Headspace that you can look at, and Headspace also has a really cool series on Netflix “Headspace Guide to Meditation“, to help you better understand ways to be mindful.