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Short Episodes

By September 20, 2018No Comments

I’m 14 and I have noticed that I have been having frequent depressive episodes. They each range anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour, but they never last for a whole day. I’m not sure if this is depression or if it’s something else.


  • Being unsure of what’s wrong with you can make you feel confused and worried. You are wise for questioning your own mental health and enduring the symptoms of it even though you may feel down.
  • You might want to speak to a trusted therapist. He/she might be able to figure out what’s wrong with you.
  • Knowledge is power. You can educate yourself about the symptoms of depression by heading to the Teen Central website then clicking the Learn tab and Depression. You can click on the other illnesses to get an idea of the differences between them. You may also check out some books about depression at your local library or read articles in magazines.
  • If you need someone to speak to you can go to Teen Central and click the Help tab then call one of the hotlines.
  • You can be positive by repeating positive affirmations to yourself. Express your feelings in a daily journal or by doing art. Distract yourself from negative thoughts by reading a book, listening to music or joining a school club.
  • Spirituality has been known to help people when they need it the most. Spiritual techniques to consider trying are meditation, yoga or prayer. Go to a church service if you’d like. On the Teen Central website, click the Learn tab then Spirituality to learn more.
  • Volunteering has many health benefits including helping ease the symptoms of depression. You might need meaning and a sense of purpose in your life. Volunteer organizations to consider are Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross and Reading is Fundamental.
  • Another way to make life more meaningful is to get a pet. This will also help you learn responsibility. You can foster or adopt a pet from an animal shelter.
  • People with depression often feel a loss of hope and can get caught in a downward spiral. Giving up solves nothing. A good way to prevent this negative feeling is to commit to being positive each day.  Use creative thinking to find ways to commit to this. For example, you could read inspirational quotes each day or comic books to make you laugh.


  • How would your life be easier if you get help now?
  • What are some positive ways to distract yourself from your depressive episodes?
  • How could your mindset change for the better if you commit to being positive?