For the record. I would HIGHLY recommend you know post anything suicidal or harming yourself. Here’s why, I did….sorta and the people on this site found my IP Address and told the police. So then I had to constantly be checked up on. Trust me…I know pain. Before I was taken into the foster system, I went through mental, physical, emotional abuse…and the one I hate mentioning. I was young as in hadn’t hit my teens or pre-teens young. My life sucks sometimes but my family now have given everything to me. I have PTSD, I’m 17 and not a single boy likes me, I feel sad because my best friend left, I lost pets, I got rejected. Trust me, life sucks but this site (no offence to the creators)is as helpful as a rock. Here’s some advice from someone who’s ACTUALLY been through a huge amount of pain. Do not let bullies get to you (I did but then in middle school I had a “glow up” and came back and kick butt. If ya wanna be liked…be yourself.)I use to be so shy I couldn’t even eat in front of people and now I’m a confident girl who adores school. I have never been an A-B student and now I am. be confident and DO NOT harm your self. Ask your parents about a change in style or permission for stuff and if you want a friend go up to someone and be confident and say “yo ya wanna hang out and be buddies” Trust me, it works. I know there are shy people out there who are reading this and think “I can’t do it” I use to be the shy kid thinking that. Something changed in my life that gave me confidence. Brave it up and grow a pair. Also, girls if ya are worried if talking to the guy you like is a bad idea…it freaking is.
- Thank you for reaching out to Teen Central. You have clearly been through painful experiences and have a lot to share for those still wondering how they’re going to make it through. This is what we’re all about – creating a community that supports each other! Sometimes, that happens by telling our painful experiences, sometimes that happens by making sure someone is safe. The goal is the same – we have all been through painful experiences in our lives and it’s not ok for anyone to suffer alone, or feel bullied, or threatened or abused, or hopeless about life. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
- We can’t emphasize enough, and you have seen, that we ALWAYS recommend reaching out for help to the people in your world. Teen Central is a community of support, but we’re always aware that we’re not right there with you. Sometimes, we are so worried that a young person is in so much pain and about to hurt themselves that we use the tools we have to send help – an extension of our support – because WE WANT YOU TO BE HERE! We will not apologize for caring, and supporting and helping in any possible way when we can, while keeping to the spirit of this website – to be there, to listen, to support and give good information you can count on in the darkest times.
- We are so glad that you have found happiness out of the ashes of so much hurt and abuse. At 17, you’re getting ready to enter adulthood, and continue to figure out who you are and how you will live your life. We hope some of your life’s work will include continuing to lift others up that are struggling. Your words are inspiring and true – about liking yourself first, not letting others keep you down, and finding the confidence to not stay silent about what you want.
- Think about what it took to open up, to find the will to move forward, and keep sharing your truth. We honor that with each person that writes their story. This space is not about agreeing or disagreeing, judging or criticizing. It’s space to share, feel supported, feel like you’re not alone, even when no one’s around. And when you leave this site, we want you to feel like you have a plan for moving forward, being safe, and getting through.
- We appreciate your words, and wish you all the success you can imagine!