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…Sometimes I Cry Myself To Sleep

By November 5, 2020November 6th, 2020No Comments

My aunt keeps holding my dog and she is not allowed to and she is always hurting him and I’m really sad. sometimes I cry myself to sleep.


  • Thank you for writing in to Teen Central! It can be very upsetting to see someone mistreating a beloved pet as well as possibly not feeling heard. We hope you can find some new tools here among our community.
  • We encourage you to check out some of our resources that can help you work through your feelings and communicate with others to find a solution. Under the “Learn” tab, we offer information that can help you and we also have a “Tools” tab with many good resources you can use over time.
  • Are there any trusted adults in your life whom you could share your feelings with about this situation. Perhaps by talking to them, they can help you have a discussion with your aunt and think through some ways to share your feelings.


  • Think about what strengths you have as a person and a pet owner that will help you overcome the communication barriers between yourself and your aunt.
  • What are some ways you can communicate your feelings openly without conflict? Consider the important points and feelings you wish to discuss ahead of time. It is commendable to fight for the things you care about but remember that the best way to be heard and understood is to approach things calmly.
  • What are some ways you can help soothe yourself in stressful / sad / tense times (such as addressing challenging conversations)? Try taking a walk, deep breathing, visualization, doing artwork, or listening to music.