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The Addiction and Punishment

By September 23, 2024No Comments

hi, im a high school self harmer. ive been harming for almost 2 years, but its only been in the last 6ish months that ive been doing it more frequently. i have tons of scars on my left arm + now my thighs. i usually cut or use another item i will not disclose to harm myself more seriously. in my relationship + home life, im constantly told im not good enough and that i need to try harder, or that ive done smth to cause negativity. even if its something so simply, it affects me so much and i end up harming myself badly. my bf was really mad when he heard i relapsed again after being 2 weeks clean and he told me he’s disappointed in me. i felt like i failed him so i spent the rest of the day self harming to punish myself. i didnt tell him about it and never will. my clean date is friday, september 13th 2024. im 4 days clean so far, but i dont think ill last long.



First thing I want to say is thank you, for having the courage to reach out to TeenCentral for guidance. Often times, reaching out for help is very difficult for many reasons. Be proud of yourself for making that big step.

What you are describing is a very difficult situation and pretty serious. Have you ever considered talking to someone about your self-injury issues? That is an important step to finding better ways to deal with all kinds of things.

If you are ever so scared you don’t know what to do, consider reaching out to the Crisis Textline. Counselors are available 24/7 by texting the word HOME to 741741. You can also visit their website at

Another great resource is the National Suicide Hotline. Counselors are also available 24/7 by calling 988 from your phone or by visiting their website at


This issue you are describing seems to be overwhelming at times for you, but don’t give up.  Have you thought about talking to and adult you trust? Think of an adult that you can trust like your school counselor, teacher, someone from a church parent and/or your friend’s parents. Having a line of communication is key in getting on track and having supports.

Another resource that you can check out is actually located on the back of your insurance card. Talk to a parent to assist you, but there is a number for mental health. If you contact this number, they can direct you to someone to talk to near you that takes your insurance. It can sometimes be scary to talk to someone new, but it can also be so beneficial as well.


Here on TeenCentral website you can find resources that might help you.

Under the Learn Tab click on self-injury.  This will give you a better understanding of what self-harm is, why and what to do. More importantly with what you are reporting in your story some information on anxiety might benefit you and what you are feeling.

If you are looking for maybe some additional coping skills. We always suggest checking out our TOOLS TAB. You clearly like to write what you are feeling, but some of these can add a little more structure to goals, and can help in processing some other sides of things.

Support Plan –

Social Skill –

Weekly Mood Tracker-  (All of these might give you some idea of why and what to do when feeling the way you describe.)

Know that you are not alone. Just be the best version of YOU that you can be! You got this!!!