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By December 6, 2021No Comments



Always. I always feel like I can drop at any moment. The phone numbers are always useless. I get shamed because I cut and wanna die. I’m always ready for a gun or knife. I’m always wishing death on myself. I always hate everything I do. Always.


It’s gone too far. Now my mom hit me upside the head REALLY HARD and left a red mark. I think it caused something serious because I forgot half the problem and I have nearly ZERO balance. I am having so many problems even typing this. I didn’t do anything unusual. Is it abuse and what do I do?


  • Thank you for reaching out to Teen Central. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 
  • Do you have someone you can talk to? Someone you can trust? If so, PLEASE go talk to them as soon as you can. Writing online or calling the phone numbers are just a couple ways to find some help, BUT WE KNOW that the best help is someone that can sit with you, listen and talk with you, and sometimes go to appointments with you and help you be safe.
  • If you can’t figure out who to talk to in your life, there are LOTS OF PEOPLE that will listen, and talk with you and help you get connected to the help you need. Don’t write off the phone numbers until you try them! Please consider calling 1-800-273-8255 when you feel like hurting yourself, OR text HELLO to 741741. Imagine how good it could feel to take that next step after telling us, and have someone listen to you. We take you seriously that you feel like dying and want to hurt yourself. YOUR FEELINGS ARE IMPORTANT, and it sounds like you’re in so much pain. You don’t deserve to feel like this, and we know that things can get better.
  • The other people that could help you are at Child Help USA at 1-800-422-4453. You can call them anytime and they will help you if you’re mom hits you again or you think you’re in danger. If you don’t want to call, you can use their website: IT’S NOT OK FOR YOU TO BE HIT. From what you described, it sounds like you may need to see a doctor to make sure you’re ok. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your mom about what’s happening, what about your dad? Or do you have a teacher or a guidance counselor that you can tell? They can help you get the help you need and make sure that you’re not injured.


  • We would suggest that you take some time to read some of their stories and read some of the counselors’ responses to those stories. It might be helpful to you.
  • If you haven’t looked through our site yet, you may want to try looking in our “Learn” tab where we have a topic dedicated to understanding depression.  You could also try our “Tools” tab where we have different ideas for coping with depression, creating a daily positive reminder, or creating a mood tracker.
  • When you are feeling so sad, and so down on yourself that nothing you do seems to be ok, it can feel impossible to follow anyone’s advice to reach out for help or read something or call someone. THAT’S EXACTLY THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION! We know that depression can cause all kinds of thoughts, like you’re not good enough and things will never get better. This is part of depression and can be a part of other issues that people struggle with. The bottom line is THIS WON’T GET BETTER ON IT’S OWN. It’s going to take some bravery, and effort – both of which you have ALREADY SHOWN US – to get through this. You can do it, DON’T GIVE UP.