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By August 8, 2023August 10th, 2023No Comments

all i have on my mind is darkness and yes i have depresion along with other mental health and yes still going through the grieven cricel of my father and have gone through the circel like 12 times already for my father and he passed 6 and 1/2years ago today. I dont know my doctor tells me to take extra nerves pill that makes me sleep more. i have been to ER around my mental health and ER not very kind to indiviulas when they having mental health issues let the world know. I called the crisis line before they were not much help as I needed i needed a ear a human ear and not all opionins and lectuces.. So no when I shoudl call them NO i dont cause no i dont want to have same NO BS i did first time I had enough confident to ask for help and not be shame of asking and f** i hate mental health stigma that is out in the world today. so im asking for adivce and possible guide what i should do from teencentral.

Things You Can Do First:

  • It seems like you’re going through a really tough time right now. Thank you for having the courage to reach out and share your story with TeenCentral. Be proud of yourself for reaching out.
  • Depression can be overwhelming. Do you have someone you can talk to about how you’re feeling? Having someone to share your thoughts with can help lighten the burden of what you’re feeling. It can be a family friend, a trusted adult or a school professional such as a guidance counselor. Here on TeenCentral we have a section on depression that may help, if you’re up for it click on our “Learn” tap then click on “Depression.”
  • I’m sorry that when you reached out to crisis you felt as if it didn’t help. Have you considered giving it another try? I know you said you wanted someone to listen not lecture you, maybe the next person would do just that. Remember you can text “HOME” to “741741″ to chat with someone. If you ever feel like what you are going through is too much and you ever think about hurting yourself or not wanting to live anymore, you can also contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at Someone is just a text or phone call away to listen and be there for you.
  • You mentioned you are still struggling with grief, that can be hard. Grief comes in different shapes and forms and can be difficult to work through. Have you talked to someone about how you’re feeling about your dad’s passing? Have you considered grief counseling? It may help to talk to someone. If you’re up for it, we also have information on grief and how to cope with it. You can click on the “Learn” tap then click on “Grief.”

Where To Go From Here:

Try to find ways to help you better express yourself and cope with your thoughts and feelings. When you are up for it consider some of the following:

  • Wellness/Meditation – deep breathing can help regulate your heartbeat and slow down racing thoughts, it can also help with you’re having trouble breathing. Try the 4-7-8 breaking technique. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds then breath out for 8 seconds.
  • Art – if you struggle to express yourself through words consider coloring or painting as a coping mechanism. There are many adult coloring books or apps on your phone you can try. You can also work on a collage that expresses how you’re feeling in the moment.
  • Writing/Journaling – if you struggle to put your thoughts in order or how to talk to someone consider journaling, this may help organize everything you’re feeling you can then read it back to yourself or someone. Writing short poems may also be an option.