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I don’t want to do anything

By August 9, 2023No Comments

I don’t want to do anything. I feel like I’ve lost motivation to take care of myself. I used to like to go to the gym with my older sister but now that feels like a huge chore. I just feel tired all day. Idk how to feel less tired. All I wanna do is lay in bed and do nothing


  • It sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now. Thank you for reaching out to TeenCentral and telling your story. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help when we are in need of it.
  • Sometimes wanting to do nothing can tell us a lot about something. Is there someone that you can talk to about how you are feeling? Sometimes just talking it out with a parent, or a trusted adult can really help and point us in the right direction.
  • If you ever feel as though you are in crisis and need assistance right away, please text ” Home” to 741741. Someone is always there to talk and might be able to be the resource that you are looking for in that moment.


  • Please check out some of our resources on Depression and Anxiety. Sometimes these very things can make it so that we don’t want to do anything at all and can really affect our mental health.
  • Sometimes there is a simple need to start somewhere. Check out our Tools sections. There will hopefully be something there that can assist you in moving again. One of my favorites is the yoga. It is simple enough that it is not overwhelming and assists the body in thinking not just moving.
  • The other thing that might help you is to journal maybe what might be bothering you. When we write things down we use multiple parts of the brain to process through our thoughts and feelings. Maybe this could help get some stuff out that is causing the block to occur.

You got this!