I feel so many emotions I haven’t felt in a long time come back. Whether it’s been months or years. I had a best friend for 7 years (half of my life) and she cut me off due to my anger issues. I’ve never felt so much guilt. That guilt always festers into anger somehow. I had intensive therapy programs for 3 months but it’s over now. I feel like I need more than that. I always relapse, especially with self-harming too. I miss cutting so bad. I just want my therapist back. There are so many things I still need to talk about.
Help Yourself:
- The hardest steps toward healing are acknowledging the need for help and asking for help. Congratulations and thank you for reaching out to TeenCentral! You certainly have come to the right place to help with your future steps.
- You mentioned that you had therapy in the past. Is it possible to have more? Have you spoken to your parents/guardians about this? There is no timeline when it comes to therapy. Open communication is important and in order for you parents/guardians to truly help you. It may help if they know and understand the things that are going on with you.
- What is you Support System like? Have you taken the time to identify trusted friends and family that you feel comfortable to speak to about this? Sit down and really think about all of the people you have in your corner.
- Take a small trip over to our Learn tab on our website where you will find plenty of information on many subjects such as Anger Management, Family, Self Injury, and Wellness topics such as Being Active, Relaxation, and Spirituality.
Consider These Options:
- You mentioned that you are feeling many emotions that you haven’t felt in a long time and that guilt and anger seem to be the center of most of it. Take some time to explore the TeenCentral website. Navigate to the Tools page and check out Anger Map, Self Positive Talk. These activities can help to guide you and help to identify your central issue and help to lift you up.
- Have you considered trying to repair the relationship with your friend? While on the Tools page check out Conflict Conversation Organizer and Fighting Fair. These two activities will provide you with skills required to have the conversations needed to help repair this relationship.
- Earlier I mentioned identifying trusted friends and family that are a part of your support system. On our Tools page we have an activity sheet titled, Support Plan. This worksheet will help you identify all components of your support system including people, thoughts, and even coping skills.
- Have you identified your coping skills? Many people don’t realize how many coping skills they have and use regularly. Some common coping skills are reading, journaling, exercise, listening or playing music and musical instruments, walking/hiking, and arts & crafts such as drawing, coloring, painting, etc. You could even build small projects such as bird houses, bookshelves, tables, etc. Working with our hands help to keep our minds and bodies occupied and focused.