So, before I begin I just wanted to say that life is horrible. It will hit you in the face until you die. But life also has it’s good sides and currently that’s not happening for me. I’m twelve years old. I’m blind. I mean it, I’m completely blind. When I was five months I was diagnosed with retinal blastoma. It’s a type of Cancer that attacks your eyes. I was in chemo for two long years. And then at the age of two I had surgery and I became blind after they removed my eyes. I grew up to start school at the age of three, and I had to learn braille and English. I had an amazing teacher. She was like a second mom to me. She fought for me to make sure that I had all of my accommodations and equipment. Now I was pretty bad sometimes. I wouldn’t do my work. But eventually I started to do more until I didn’t hesitate to do something. One day in fifth grade I was standing with a cart that held my things. And the strap of my purse had tangled in the handle. A woman who I guess was trying to help me started to guide, push me to my other class. And the strap was getting harder around the handle and I stumbled. My teacher calmly told the woman to be careful. And the woman didn’t take this well. She started screaming and trying to fight my teacher. Now this woman was in the military before so if she did hit my teacher God knows what she would have done to her. Eventually a teacher stepped in between the woman and my teacher. Then in the summer of that year she retired. I wished she wouldn’t have been here when I started the 6th grade. She wouldn’t have been able to guide me. Here is where my life falls apart. When I started 6th grade, it was good at first but then it became a nightmare. I started to curse and since my family is christian. I knew that they wouldn’t like that. It got so bad that I started watching paranormal videos and did small rituals but when nothing happened I laughed. But one night I felt several presences around me. And slowly I started to experience paranormal activity. And it was horrible. I would beg for it to haunt me somewhere that wasn’t my safe haven, the band hall. I joined band when I was in the 6th grade and I am currently in the honors band playing flute for the top band in school. My safe haven, the band hall, has always helped to keep me from doing something stupid. I don’t have many friends and the few I’ve got are prob fake. But any ways. I would experience horrible things. I would hear voices while I was in the shower and while I was at the store and everywhere else but the band hall. Until one night I broke down and didn’t get any sleep. I sat there in my bed on my knees praying to God asking for forgiveness, and he gave it to me. I have been working on my cursing but I still have a lot of bottled up feelings inside me. I just wish someone would understand me. Thank you for reading.Help yourself:
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