Mi historia, todo inicia cuando viene una niña nueva mi amiga y yo eramos un grupo de 2 eramos una de las mejores amistades hasta que llego la niña nueva…dsp que llego la niña nueva mi amiga y yo nos distanciamos…yo no sabia por que hasta que vi que la niña nueva y ella eran las mejores amigas..,yo llore toda esa noche,meses dsp me reconcilio con mi ”amiga” y ahora no eramos solo mi amiga y yo tmb era la niña nueva,osea que eramos un grupo de 3,las tres fuimos un buen grupo hasta que la niña nueva se empezo a sentir ”excluida” cuando realmente ELLA ME ESTABA EXCLUYENDO..,dsp de unos meses la niña nueva y mi ”amiga” empezaron a llevarse mejor y me empezaron a excluir..,hasta el dia de hoy me excluyen pero HORRIBLEMENTE PEOR..,se que no esta bien pero me estoy empezando a c0rt4r para sanar todo este dolor que tengo..
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My story, it all starts when a new girl comes, my friend and I were a group of 2, we were one of the best friends until the new girl arrived… when the new girl arrived, my friend and I grew apart…,I didn’t know why until I saw that the new girl and her were best friends…, I cried all that night, months later I reconciled with my ”friend” and now it wasn’t just me and my friend either. it was the girl new, I mean we were a group of 3, the three of us were a good group until the new girl started to feel ”excluded” when really SHE WAS EXCLUDING ME…, after a few months the new girl and my ” friend” they started to get along better and they started to exclude me…, to this day they exclude me but HORRIBLY WORSE…, I know it’s not right but I’m starting to cut myself to heal all this pain what do I have.
Thank you for sharing your story with the TeenCentral community. We are sorry you are going through such a difficult transition and feeling left out, that must be very hard for you. Yet, you found the courage to share, and we are grateful to be able to listen.
- Firstly, thank you again for reaching out to TeenCentral! Connecting with us is an amazing way to empower yourself and gather some guidance through your struggles. There are resources to educate yourself and hopefully help work through any thoughts or troubles you’re having.
- If you are ever feeling unsafe with yourself or like there’s no one to talk to about how you feel, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They are available 24 hours a day. In order to reach the National Suicide Hotline you DIAL or TEXT 988 or CHAT at 988lifeline.org.
- There’s a very informative section on “toxic friendships” under our “Learn” tab on our homepage. It can help you understand more about the difficulty you’re having with you friend group as well as give you some tools to handle and heal the situation. Towards the bottom of that page you are linked to a few other helpful items such as the “Good Friend/Toxic Friend” paper and a “Conflict Organizer.”
- There is also a very helpful section about self-harm on our site “here.” This can give you some insight on self-injury and some encouraging ideas about healthier coping skills you can use when feeling upset.
- Finding a new hobby or other things that interest you can allow you more space to be yourself and potentially connect with other people. Getting outside and running, biking, and/or hiking are always wonderful for the mind and body. Maybe joining a new club or group at school will give you new fun opportunities.
Again, thank you so much for reaching out to TeenCentral! Please don’t hesitate to connect with us again and remember you always have support.