Yesterday, I had Saturday detention because of some trouble I got into at school for using my phone when I shouldn’t have been using it. While I was in detention, one of my friends dropped by my house to see if I could hang out. My mom told her I wasn’t home and where I was and why. My friend then told all our other friends and they’re all making fun of me now. See, I kinda have a reputation as being a goody two-shoes type of girl, so of course they all think it’s funny that I got myself into trouble. Grrr….I’m really trying not to be upset about being teased or at my mom for being honest about where I was, but it’s tough. Any advice?
- We appreciate you so much for reaching out to TeenCentral! Sharing your story and gathering resources is a fantastic way to help improve your situation. There are articles to educate yourself and hopefully help work through any thoughts or troubles you’re having.
- We imagine that talking with your parents may be difficult right now. However, are there any other helpful and trusted adults in your life who could go to? It’s surprising to find out how a good old-fashioned face to face conversation can really help in these situations. Consider a guidance counselor or a coach, and older cousin or aunt? It’s just a thought.
These situations can quickly become overwhelming for young people. So, if you are ever feeling extremely unsafe or like there’s no one to talk to about how you feel, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They are available 24 hours a day. In order to reach the National Suicide Hotline you DIAL or TEXT 988 or CHAT at 988lifeline.org.
- It sounds like you’re struggling with the way your friends are making you feel. You might find our section on “toxic friendships” under our “Learn” tab helpful to your situation. It can give you some more insight on values good and bad friends possess. It’s information can also be used as conversation starters to express to your friends how you’ve been feeling. At the bottom of that page are links to more helpful tools such as the “Good Friend/Toxic Friend” paper and a “Conflict Organizer.”
- Writing/Journaling—Talking to someone can be difficult, but writing down how you feel can be a great way to express your emotions. It can also help organize your thoughts and feelings into a visual form that’s easier to understand. Other ways to creatively and artistically express yourself can be incredible emotional outlets. There is a great page on “Positive Self Talk” that may help alleviate the weight of others’ thoughts of you!
Thank you so much for reaching out to TeenCentral! Your voice is always heard and welcome here!