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Thank you for all you have given me

By October 12, 2022No Comments

Hi Teen Central,

This is me, the girl who used to numb her feelings, and gets super excited about life! I just wanted to say thank you for all you have given me, I wanted to express my gratitude for this platform. This is a bit different from my other entries, but I feel so excited and happy when I see my story up on the page!! The helpful response, and seeing other stories, really makes me feel like I am not alone with my struggles in this world, and since everything is anonymous, it’s almost as if I were the one writing the stories I identify with. I thought it would be right if I said thank you.


Thank you so much for your kind words.  We at TC are thrilled that you have had a positive experience with our platform.  What’s even more exciting is that you can now share your knowledge with others.  Keep up on your hard work!!  Life has a lot of up and down times, but we can persevere, especially when we are willing to seek help.  You made us all smile today!  Thank you for that.