I feel like I might hurt myself, nighttime is a trigger for me, and it always happens. How can I get rid of this feeling?
Even though we gave you some quick advice over the weekend, we wanted to check in with you this morning and give you a more complete response.
- First – take a deep breath. There is help and hope here and you took an important step in reaching out.
- Please contact one of two hotlines any time you feel unsafe or like you need support, they are available 24/7:
- The Crisis Textline – Text “HOME” to 741841 and just start a conversation – OR
- Contact the Suicide National Hotline by calling 988 – We know that self-harm and suicide are two different things but they are educated about both things and can help you.
- Who is a positive adult in your life you can talk to as soon as possible? It can be someone like a family member, schoolteacher / guidance counselor, coach, community member or spiritual leader. Bottom line is that it’s important to talk to a person in your life who can actively be there to listen and support you.
- You already have a good start in knowing what your triggers are. Now let’s put in a plan for what to do about it. Journaling/Writing can be helpful for this part as it can help us not only organize our thoughts and feelings but also cope with those emotions. We even have resources here on TeenCentral like this post on how to journal as a coping skill for stress that could be helpful. Check it out: Journaling as a Coping Skill for Stress | TeenCentral
- Continuing to educate yourself about self-injury can also help you manage some of those thoughts and urges. Under our LEARN tab we have some information on Self Injury to get you started. TEEN CENTRAL l Teens and self injury
- Finding something to distract you or keep your hands busy can also be useful in the moments you are struggling. What are some things you can do to accomplish this? It could be anything like, listening to music, playing with a fidget or stress item, exercising, coloring/writing, etc. We think you should make a list of 3 things you can do before nighttime sets in to help relax yourself and then put that plan in action. You can do it!