Stories How can I be supportive? I've been in this relationship for about a month and a half. This is my…tctalksMarch 28, 2020
Stories I’m Tired of Being in My House Hi. well, I am 11 years old and I tried being in my house. I…tctalksMarch 28, 2020
Stories People Being Mean When people are being mean to each other and they cant take it HELP YOURSELF:…tctalksMarch 26, 2020
Stories Hurting Others I have a unimportant problem that seems like it's everything right now. Anyway, here goes…tctalksMarch 25, 2020
Stories Scared by nightmares and flashbacks Warning: The story below is somewhat disturbing, read at your own risk. Do not feel…tctalksMarch 24, 2020
Stories Keeping It Inside Lately I've been feeling trapped in my own thoughts like I have no one to…tctalksMarch 24, 2020
Stories New Year Resolutions New Year Resolutions So in the past when I've reached out to y'all it's because…tctalksMarch 24, 2020
Stories Slipping away I’ve never really opened up to anyone about anything before and I do it once…tctalksMarch 23, 2020
Stories What’s Wrong With Me? about a year ago everything changed for me. I was in year 6 and everyone…tctalksMarch 23, 2020
Stories How Do I Suppress My Feelings? I've read a few other stories on TeenCentral and some of the advice I read…tctalksMarch 23, 2020