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I Don’t Want to Fight

By April 21, 2023No Comments

Hi. I don’t feel so good because I don’t have any friends because the friends that I had don’t like me any more because they thank I want too fight their friends and that why I don’t have any friends.


  • Wow! How brave of you to talk about something like this. That must feel pretty lonely to feel like you don’t have any friends! But don’t worry! You are not alone. Here at TeenCentral we will give you the tools you may need to help you throughout this tough time you are having.
  • Let’s think about why you believe your friends think you want to fight with others. To help with this head over to the Tools page and check out the activity sheets for Conflict Conversation Organizer and Fighting Fair. When you are done with those, take a little time to check out the Social Skills  sheet. These will help you figure out what is actually going on and how to talk to the others and work toward resolving the conflict.
  • Have you tried talking to your parents/guardians or sibling, cousins, or friends about everything? You may be surprised by how much they are able to help you. To help you identify these support people and how to talk to them about what has been going on, check out our Support Plan activity sheet on our Tools page.


  • Remember that you have plenty of people and resources around you to help through challenging times like this. If you don’t feel like you can talk to other friends or family members, consider talking to a school teacher or coach.
  • Fill your time with stuff you enjoy! Go outside and play or exercise and explore. Try arts & crafts, listening to music, or even joining a club or sports team. Your mind will be opened to new and fun activities and may be even more new friends! When we surround ourselves with activities and positivity and exercise, our bodies make more endorphins that are pumped into the bloodstream. Endorphins make us feel more upbeat and happy.
  • Ask a teacher at school or go to your local library to see about any after school programs or even summer camps since the school year will soon be over. If you are able to find a program or camp with specific interests of yours just imagine all the possibilities!