My mom has been hitting me since I can remember. Iv’e never shared this with anyone, because I love my mom, and I don’t want to be taken away, but I wish that she were different. When I was six or seven, I remember that my mom and dad started hitting me,(I can’t exactly remember what for) And my mom kicked me really hard in the stomach, and I was sprawled across the floor. She was going to hit me again, but then my nanny came and yelled at them. Another time, I had been going to school late, because it’s like a 30 min walk in the freezing cold, and I had left the house to late. When I got home, my mom started yelling at me, and hitting me. I ran into the nearest room possible, which sadly was her room. I was cornered in the bed, and then she started hitting me with a hanger like 13 times. When she was done, she dragged me out her room by my hair, and screamed at me that I would get double if I was ever late again. My finger had really hurt, and so I looked down, and it was blue and it had a nasty gash in my knuckle. My nanny came home and she was furious, but she helped me disinfect my finger. And it hurt so bad. I told people at school it was just from playing tennis. Then, just now, she came into my room twice, because I forgot to do my homework , and started choking me and slapping me and knocking my head several times against the wall.She also threw a hanger at me. Once, she broke a hanger because she hit me with it so hard. And also, she asks my brother sometimes to get her rocks to throw at me. Then, I run out of the house and she locks me out. she also cusses and calls me really mean names, like the devils child, she wishes that she had killed me when I was born, things like that. And I just don’t know what to do!
- You seem to be dealing with some extremely difficult times. Firstly, thank you so much for reaching out to the TeenCentral community—we are happy you are here. Connecting with us is an amazing way to advocate for yourself and hopefully gather tools that can help you improve your situation!
- Is there anyone directly in your life you could talk to about the things you’re going through or how you’re feeling? This could be someone you haven’t tried talking to before- someone like a trusted teacher, coach, or close family friend/family member. Guidance counselors can also be incredible helpers and have often worked with kids experiencing very similar things to you. Being able to confide in someone and express your situation and feelings can do worlds of good.
- If you are ever feeling unsafe with yourself or like there’s no one to talk to about how you feel, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They are available 24 hours a day by dialing 988 or https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You can also text “HOME” to 741-741 if that’s more comfortable. Help is literally a text away. There are also phone numbers in all states to help report suspected child abuse: State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers | Child Welfare Information Gateway
- In our “Tools” section, there are some very helpful exercises that might work for you such as the conflict conversation organizer. This can help you organize your feelings and also gives you an area to write a letter to the person you’re struggling with. There’s also an informative article on “families” on our website here.
- GET OUTSIDE / NATURE—Being outside is so important for the mind, body, and spirit. Going to parks, pools, or riding bikes or going on hikes with friends are all great ways to relax and have fun as well as get some important space from home pressures. Also being able to find a safe place to journal and write down thoughts and feelings can do well for mental health.
- Please don’t hesitate to reach out again, but also please take steps to protect yourself and help improve your situation. No person deserves to be treated poorly—and you are no different. Please continue to empower yourself and never stop seeking help.