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I Need Help

By May 14, 2023May 18th, 2023No Comments

I need help
There’s so many thoughts going through my brain and I just want someone to talk to. I feel that sometimes I can’t talk to my parents because they don’t fully understand what I’m going through. I have a lot of misplaced anger and I’m taking it out on my parents who don’t deserve it, sometimes I just get stuck in my head. I don’t know what to do. I just wanna go back to normal. I want to be happy again.


  • First we would like to thank you for writing into TeenCentral, it can be hard to ask for advice or help but you had the courage to do it!
  • Here on TeenCentral we have a lot of tabs, pages, and resources that are useful to anyone going through an issue. Something that may be helpful is our Anger Map, this anger map can help identify coping skills, triggers, our reactions, and our responses. Click here to learn more!
  • Have you attempted to talk to anyone else about your anger and how it makes you feel? You mentioned that you can’t talk to your parents but other people you could talk to include a friend, teacher, sibling, coach, or another trusted relative. Any of these other people could give you advice or other resources that may have helped them or someone they know!


  • Another resource that would be helpful for you to utilize is our Conflict Conversation Organizer. On this page you will be able to identify your problem, how the problem is hurting you, what you need, and then an area where you can write down exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it! Click here to learn more!
  • Have you ever thought about journaling or writing as a way to help with your anger and communication with your parents? Journaling is a great way to express how your feeling and can be therapeutic to write down all your issues your currently experiencing. Search around on TeenCentral’s Tools tab for some of our journaling prompts, daily positive reminders, and much more!