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I’m anxious…

By May 16, 2022No Comments

I need somewhere to vent. My anxiety is at its max right now. I feel a panic attack coming on. I don’t want to go to day hospital tomorrow I’m anxious, please help.


  • We are sorry to hear you are experiencing feelings of anxiousness recently. Consider checking out YouTube, Netflix, and searching for www.HeadSpace.Com  as Head Space has lots of resources for mindfulness techniques that may help you with your feelings of stress and or panic.
  • We understand the desire to vent your feelings. Try venting them to a supportive adult in your life, such as the trained mental health professionals at your partial hospitalization program. Random rants can also be done in a journal or diary, or with a positive supportive friend.


  • Check out our LEARN tab for some information on anxiety, this might help you better understand what you are feeling.
  • Click on our TOOLS tab and download a Support Plan to help identify your support system.