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I’m floating

By February 19, 2021June 30th, 2022No Comments

School is taking everything out of me and I don’t know what to do. I used to love school, especially given that I was a good student who did well. This new school is too much for me. They don’t let up with the work and, even putting my heart into everything that I do, they don’t appreciate it. I’m perpetually behind with work class work AND homework and I’m so close to giving up. I can’t stop crying and it’s like my body shuts down when I so much as think about doing the work. I don’t know why but I do everything to avoid what I’m meant to be doing because I know I’ll just end up getting frustrated that I didn’t do it but it’s like I physically and mentally just CANNOT.

I notice that when I do finally sit down to start it, I wash my hands like a lot. I don’t know if it’s a coping mechanism but I struggle to sit for 5 minute straight without felling the urge to do it.

I just wish I could be the old me, who liked school, who was social, who took care of herself, who had control you know – but now I am just so sad and the days feel the same and I’m not loving, just existing.


  • What are some calming techniques you can do before you being school work?
  • Which friends, trusted adults, school teachers and counselors that can help you get through this?
  • What are somethings that you can do for self care for yourself to help you during times you are not doing school?


  • Though it is hard right now with the challenges that you are facing you can do some calming techniques for yourself before starting school, like breathing in and out 10 times deeply and slowly. Also you can try some positive affirmations like “I can do this”, “I know what I am doing”, “What can I learn new today?”, “I am awesome”
  • Talk with friends, trusted adults, school teachers and counselors that you can trust about what is going on with you and they can also help with some solutions for you.
  • There are many self-care things that you can do to take care of yourself in between the school time. Like reading, watching your favorite shows, playing your favorite games, talk with friends, do some exercise like yoga, walking or running, etc.