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By October 6, 2022October 9th, 2022No Comments

my mom


  • Thank you for writing into TeenCentral and sharing even just a few words with us. Sometimes you can communicate a lot with just a little. Perhaps you are struggling with your mother or have lost your mother, or your mother is sick, or you are worried about your mother – it could be so many things. We know it takes bravery even just to write those two words – so good for you!
  • First, I recommend that you check around the other stories on TeenCentral. Maybe you already have, but specifically look at stories about youth and their moms. Try to find stories that may be similar to yours. See what advice the counselors wrote to our other youth. Maybe that same advice can help you. Maybe write again and include a few more words so we know more about your unique situation, and we can help you even more.
  • TeenCentral always recommends that you consider finding a trusted adult in your life that you can talk to about your feelings. Do you know why? This is because there is strong research to support that young people with one supportive adult in their lives are likely to grow up with fewer risk factors and are more likely to have the success they desire. So – do you know an adult in your life that you can really trust and talk to? Some examples could be a family member – grandmother/father, aunt/uncle, older cousin? Or what about a religious leader, coach, guidance counselor or teacher? These are just suggestions – but it has to be someone who is helpful – not hurtful and someone with good boundaries. It has to be someone you can trust. Someone who is going to be honest with you even when it may not be what you want to hear.
  • Visit the HELP PAGE if something in your situation is really going badly. Reach out before things become unsafe for you. On this page you will find numbers and websites that may or may not apply to you depending on your situation and where you live. They are there if they apply and if you need them.


  • No matter what inspired you to write to TC about your mom I want to encourage you to think about how you are coping with life – your difficult situations – and life in general. No matter what we go through whether it’s with a family member, kids in school, or other problems we must have ways that we cope with those issues so that we can be resilient and bounce back.
  • The most useful coping skill we recommend at TeenCentral is journalling. When you journal your thoughts and feelings – even if it’s in bullet points, phrases or poetry form – it will help you release your emotions onto the page rather that stuffing them inside. Read THIS BLOG to learn more about the benefits of journaling. Consider starting a journal if you don’t already have one.
  • Another very popular coping skill among youth is artistic expression. There are many types of art that can be used for this. Read THIS BLOG to learn more about art journaling and how it can really help you release pent up emotions.