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Worried About My Cousin (suicide)

By September 29, 2020No Comments

I’m worried about my older cousin. I recently found out that he is suicidal and (I believe) tried. He ended up telling his roommate about it and she called his dad, telling him. My cousin went to the hospital (He wasn’t physically hurt) and stayed there for a few days. A few days later he went home to his dads. I then found out that he got a new job that is bringing him around the U.S. with some other guys. (That he knows I guess.) He just left today but I’m worried that he might try again without being able to potentially tell anyone / talk to anyone about it. His younger brother (My younger cousin) just had a birthday party the other day and he was very quiet, stuck to himself, and kinda ignored everyone. Although this may seem normal to our family, to me he just seemed off, more off than usual that is. To be honest I always thought he might have anxiety or depression, (I assumed because I myself have anxiety.) so when I found out he was suicidal it really shook me. I don’t know what to do or how I can help, especially now that he’s out of state.



  • Thank you for reaching out to Teen Central! You’re a wonderful support for your cousin, and it sounds like you are taking some great first steps looking for trustworthy information about suicide, depression and anxiety. These are not easy topics, and having good info is a great first step to knowing how to help.
  • One of the best ways to help is to TALK and STAY CONNECTED when life feels overwhelming or hopeless. We’re so glad that your cousin has a good network of people that have already helped him. People that experience suicidal thoughts often feel very alone, and like they are a burden to others. NO ONE IS ALONE! Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HELLO to 741741 anytime day or night! Keep these numbers somewhere that you can easily find them in case you ever need them, or so you can give them to your cousin or anyone that needs help.
  • You mentioned that you have anxiety, and in stressful times (like when you’re worried about a loved one), it’s important to remember to take care of yourself as well. Check out the TOOLS and LEARN sections on Teen Central for information about ANXIETY, WELLNESS and ways to use yoga and meditation techniques to find peace in your life.


  • It’s always good to have some information you can share if someone asks you to talk about tough topics. Check out the LEARN section for information about ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and SUICIDE. Remember that listening can be very powerful as well. Being able to listen and letting someone know they are heard can be so helpful.
  • Remember to find outlets for your own anxiety. We know that being a caring person can have a high cost – which can show up in you feeling more tired (physically and emotionally) while you’re worried about someone else. Take time to do things that you enjoy – like music, art, being outside, video games, playing with beloved pets, etc. Having things in your life that bring you joy and peace will help you stay ready to keep helping others. Do you have people in your life that you trust and can talk to? Having someone listen works wonders for us caretakers, too. 🙂
  • A tough part of being a caring person is realizing we cannot control the choices that others make – no matter how much we care and try to help. It’s a hard thing to accept and understand, but important. Keep being a strong support for your cousin and remember to take care of yourself too.