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My Life Is a Mess

By January 15, 2021No Comments

I’m 13 years old and I need mental help. My life is a mess. My mom hits me, my dad says I’m arguing with him whenever I disagree with him on something, and my sister is a control freak. I’m getting suicide thoughts and am thinking of ending it all. I just feel so conflicted.


  •  YOU ARE IMPORTANT. If you aren’t feeling safe, there are people who can and want to help. Under the “HELP” tab of there are many hotlines, text-lines, and websites available to support you. You can call the NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE – 1-800-273-8255 or go to their website at . If it’s easier for you to text, you can use the CRISIS TEXT LINE – Text “HELLO” to 741741 or visit their website at Both of these lifelines are there to help you 24/7.
  • It takes a lot of courage to share your feelings.  Be proud of yourself for seeking help.  The Teen Central community welcomes you!
  • With all that your going through, it’s essential to use connections for support. Is there someone you can talk to? Are there any trusted adult figures that you can talk to like a counselor, relative, or positive family friend?   Being able to express your feelings can be hard but extremely helpful in the end.


  • Have you ever tried writing or journaling? Sometimes writing down our thoughts and feelings can be a powerful outlet to help manage emotions.  Dealing with family issues, depression, and stress can affect your emotions and bring out more of the bad feelings than the good ones. That doesn’t mean the good qualities aren’t there, they could just be buried below the pain.  Try to bring them out by making a list of things you like about yourself, or positive accomplishments no matter how small they may seem. If you are struggling, maybe try asking someone who cares about you to help remind you of the positives they see in you.
  • Check out the “What’s New” tab on the TC website.  Here you will find information on coping skills such as journaling, positive self affirmations and using art to deal with stress, anxiety and depression.
  •  Simple things like daily exercise and sunshine can be a natural mood booster. TC has strength training, yoga, and running resources on our “Tools” page.  These things may feel difficult to do when your depressed, but if you can push yourself to get started it may help.  If you prefer more creative outlets – drawing, mandalas, doing crafts or puzzles are great tools to use when your feeling depressed or stressed.  You can feel better, try some of our tools and find what other things work for you.  Most of all don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you feel desperate.
  • In the Tools section, there’s also a Support Plan. When emotions run high, and people are hurting each other and you feel hopeless, sometimes knowing what to do to take care of yourself can feel like a big relief. When things are calmer, try working through the Support Plan so you know what to do when things get heated.