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Overwhelmed and ready to give up

By September 28, 2022No Comments

I am just done with life and don’t know what to do anymore. I’m tired of having to deal with my parents yelling at me for stupid things and people just downgrading me.  Which is what I think and people say everything’s gonna be fine.  But it’s not gonna be fine I’m tired of dealing with life and no one is helping me with my problems with anxiety ODD ADD, attention deficient hyperactive disorder and borderline bipolar disorder and that everyone I have loved is gone and never coming back.


You are struggling and that’s ok.  Life is hard and when your dealing with mental health conditions it is often overwhelming and it feels like people don’t care.  People do care, sometimes they just don’t know how to help.  YOU, are making attempts to get that help starting here by writing into the the TC community.

  • First of all, if you are having thoughts of harming yourself or someone else, please don’t hesitate and get immediate help. Text Text “HELLO” to 741741 or dial  988 on your phone to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
  • Check in with your Doctor.  Do you have a Psychiatrist?  If your being overwhelmed, it may be time to look at your current medications and any other thoughts the Dr. may have.  It’s really important to keep your Dr. in the loop even if only by a phonecall.
  • Your symptoms may be part of the reason that you are struggling with your parents yelling at you and feeling degraded.  You absolutely have the right to have these feelings and thoughts.  Is there any trusted adult that you can talk to about these feelings?  A school counselor, a family member other than your parents?  Get an adult’s perspective of what they think might help.


Help Yourself:

  • Get out and get moving.  Easy words to say but not always easy to do when you feel overwhelmed right?  I understand, but it is so important to get out in nature, off social media and to try to get some type of exercise.  I know, who wants to exercise when you feel like crap.  You don’t have to do much.  Take a brisk walk for 20 minutes, while your walking focus on your breathing.  Take deep inhalations and slowly exhale and continue to focus on the air going into your lungs and then out.  After doing this on a brisk walk it will help you with some of the stress and anxiety your dealing with.
  • Find what works for you, why not try your luck at painting?  Paint with colors that are appealing to you, try to use vibrant colors to express your feelings.  Paint something that you feel describes your feelings.  Afterward, do what you choose with it.  You can keep it or you can tear it up and say ” I’m going to change the way I feel!!!!!!”
  • You are on a path of recovery.  You have a diagnosis so I’m hoping that also means you have a therapist.  Please be fully open with your therapist.  This is how you will navigate through these tough times and learn how to deal with your emotions when things get soooo difficult.  You will learn new ways to catch yourself when the negative thoughts and what to do help alleviate the symptoms.  Keep fighting!!!  You will get through these difficult times.