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What Should I Do?

By September 23, 2021September 27th, 2021No Comments

“So, me and my mom got in a fight and she decided to hit me really hard in the face what should I do?”


  • Thank you for reaching out to TeenCentral with your story. It sounds as if you are really going through a tough time and it takes a lot of courage to seek help.
  • When fights get violent, verbally or physically, sometimes we need help immediately. There are a number of ways you can get help right away if you feel you are in danger. First would be to get to a safe location away from the fight and the other person. Lock yourself in your room, leave the house and go to a trusted neighbor, whatever you can do to get somewhere safe right away. Second would be to call 911 and let the police help. 
  • Is there anyone you can reach out to that you trust to talk to about your situation? A guidance counselor at school, a teacher, coach, religious leader? Do you have older siblings, a close family friend, or an aunt/uncle or grandparent you can trust? Are you involved in any therapy at this time or can you get linked to therapy resources in your community by talking to one of your trusted adults? Telling someone that you and your mom are fighting is ok, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and it’s important that you have support during this time.


  • We think you can find some useful tips and hotlines regarding your situation on our WHAT’S NEW tab. There is a post about “Getting Help for Abuse During the Pandemic”.
  • Get outside. Being outside gets you out of the house, away from conflict. This is good for the body and to clear their mind. You can take a walk, go to a park, or just sit somewhere quiet. Being outside and near nature is also useful for practicing mindfulness. Check out our WELLNESS section in LEARN for some other suggestions and resources.
  • Find a new hobby, interest, sport, or club activity. All of these things can expand your natural supports and provide healthy outlets for the body and mind. Anything that is going to bring on feelings of happiness will enhance your wellbeing. Find an activity that distracts or diverts your sadness or fear into something more positive. Some examples are: music, journaling, chatting with friends or other family, being creative (writing, singing, dancing, playing music, creating art, cooking).
  • Consider talking about your feelings with your mom when you’re both calm. It’s ok to let her know if you’re feeling hurt, scared, confused, angry (or any other feeling), about what happened. She may have some feelings and thoughts about what happened as well that she wants to share. We hope that you both will want to find a different way to handle conflict going forward.