Stories I Have a Little Problem Hi, I haven't used this website in a while and I have a little problem. …tctalksMarch 11, 2018
Stories Crushing On A New Friend I am not doing so well in college so i started getting help from a…tctalksMarch 10, 2018
Stories Failing Medical School I have always been a good student but for the past few years in medical…tctalksMarch 10, 2018
Stories Need help with comforting friends after a loss So recently (within the past two weeks) I've had three close friends each lose a…tctalksMarch 4, 2018
Stories Parents can’t know my Passion Why can I just be myself? So a few years back I came out as…tctalksMarch 4, 2018
Stories Fire and PTSD Hi, I'm 14, and I thought about running away. I think I have PTSD; I…tctalksMarch 4, 2018
Stories Abused At Young Age I was abused starting at around age 2 until about three years ago. I was…tctalksMarch 4, 2018
Stories My Runaway Day I have been well past my teens since the 70s. Since then, I've become a…tctalksMarch 2, 2018
Stories Tell me about SEX! OKAY! I AM LEGALLY 18 AND NOBODY HAS TALKED TO ME EVER ABOUT SEX! I…tctalksMarch 2, 2018
Stories Abortion and Moral Obligations So, about a week ago, I made a mistake. I partook in intercourse with my…tctalksFebruary 28, 2018