Stories Relationship Issues I am not sure whether I should be getting sex from my girlfriend or from…tctalksJune 18, 2018
Stories Life Struggles I struggle with stress, anxiety, weight loss, and relationships. I'm here to help and find…tctalksJune 18, 2018
Stories My Dad Is In Jail So, my dad is in jail for child pornography. I feel like my girlfriend deserves…tctalksJune 12, 2018
Stories Alone I have been having a hard time communicating with people at times I just want…tctalksJune 11, 2018
Stories Family Situation I am currently dealing with a complicated family situation. I am married and currently, my…tctalksJune 7, 2018
Stories Coming to Terms I have been discovering who I am for all of my high school years. After…tctalksJune 7, 2018
Stories Dad Problems I got mad at my dad and cut myself. My dad was saying rude stuff…tctalksMay 29, 2018
Stories Betrayed One of my friends was bullying another friend by calling her names in front of…tctalksMay 29, 2018
Stories I Might Be Non-binary Hi! I've recently come to terms with the fact that I might be non-binary. On one…tctalksMay 29, 2018
Stories Making Mistakes Around My Crush TeenCentral Stories : Entry # 502 show empty fields I have a problem.…tctalksMay 26, 2018