Stories Overwhelmed and Confused As an 8th grader in middle school I was happy nearly all the time, and…tctalksMarch 14, 2019
Stories My Dog Has Life Threatening Issues My dog of 7 years is getting old. He has an incurable disease and an…tctalksFebruary 21, 2019
Stories My Mother Bullies Me My mother is asking me if I’d rather go to a boarding school instead of…tctalksFebruary 19, 2019
Stories I’m Scared to Tell My Mom About the Money I Owe the IRS I worked two jobs the past year. One in the summer and one during the…tctalksFebruary 19, 2019
Stories Laughed at for Dyeing Hair I got laughed at because i dyed the ends of my hair purple. CONSIDER THIS:…tctalksFebruary 19, 2019
Stories Sexual Trauma and abuse- looking for help When I was in grade 7 I was friends with this boy and he would…tctalksFebruary 18, 2019
Stories My Mother Found Out I am a Lesbian My mom found out I was lesbian. She now hates me and she wants to…tctalksFebruary 17, 2019
Stories I don’t want to be wanted. I'm 17 and have social anxiety. I'm on medication for it, and I am very…tctalksFebruary 16, 2019
Stories Why am I single? February 14 is Valentine's Day. My school is running rampant with love letters, roses, and…tctalksFebruary 16, 2019