Stories Is there some sort of trick to just not caring what they think? I'm 13 and I have a very noticeable hunchback and Tourette's syndrome. I'm really on…tctalksJune 12, 2017
Stories Crush Help I've had a crush on this girl at my school for almost a year now.…tctalksJune 12, 2017
Stories What should I do?? Sorry for being a bother. So, I'm a 15 year old, and I think I might…tctalksJune 11, 2017
Stories Dating and Insecurities Hello, I was hoping I could get some advice on how to help a friend.…tctalksJune 11, 2017
Stories Taking it out in the wrong place My so-called "friend" has been leaving me out of things for a while. I finally…tctalksJune 10, 2017
Stories Paranoid Problem Sometimes when I am at school I am paranoid. It really makes me mad that…tctalksJune 10, 2017
Stories Scared to fall in love Scared to fall in love. CONSIDER THIS: Love can be scary because it means you…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories Where do I belong? I'm in a world where everyone is tough and I'm standing here in the dark;…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories I feel like I’m wasting away I've been extremely unhealthy both physically and mentally. I'm exhausted of everything and I have…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories School phobia is real Hi. I suffered from depression and anxiety problems that were brought on from school. I'm…tctalksJune 8, 2017