Stories What Is Up With My Friend? My beautiful best friend hasn't been answering my messages for months. Since we're not at…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories How to Handle School, Relationships, and the Future? Hey. So, I am at a really weird point in my life. I'm 17 and…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Who Do I Like? Before when I started school, I liked two guys. One was older and one was…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Losing a Friend Hey, I'm sad and looking for some help. My best friend moved away. We were…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories I Have No Say In My Family! I feel like no one cares about my opinion. Every time they ask me for…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Help me inherit my Brother’s Smartphone! HELP! I have about fourteen days to convince my dad to let me have my brother's…tctalksJuly 23, 2017
Stories Please help! Please help! I have about fourteen days to convince my dad that I can have…tctalksJuly 23, 2017
Stories Trouble with dad My mom says I have to do as my father says yet he isn't even…tctalksJuly 20, 2017
Stories Coping With Losing My Cat We got my cats shortly after we moved when I was in 8th grade. I…tctalksJuly 18, 2017
Stories Struggling with anti-gay bullies My name is Samantha and I just want to say I am gay. But I…tctalksJuly 17, 2017