Stories i hate my friends i dont have many to begin with. theres . he makes george floyd and n…tctalksDecember 25, 2020
Stories Bad Anxiety- Part 2 So I wrote the story Bad Anxiety and when I clicked on it to see…tctalksDecember 22, 2020
Stories Bad anxiety So I have real bad anxiety and I don't know what to do. I told…tctalksDecember 19, 2020
Stories My parents are having an affair I recently found my mom is having an affair. Now a days, dad doesn't come…tctalksDecember 19, 2020
Stories Issues with my Mom My mom is taking her problems out on me. I don't know what happened but…tctalksDecember 18, 2020
Stories My mom hates me my mom hates me so much she hits me, calls me names, and once she…tctalksDecember 15, 2020
Stories Abuse My mom yells and curses at us everyday- calling us donkeys, whores and that her…tctalksDecember 15, 2020
Stories No Way Out and I Really Don’t Know What To Do I really don’t know what to do here. So, for a long time I’ve known…tctalksDecember 14, 2020
Stories Lonely and depressed I'm so lonely and depressed that I joined a dating app and I don't even…tctalksDecember 10, 2020
Stories I Don’t Feel Loved I'm 17 and I struggle with autism, overweight, anxiety, seizures, depression and more. Recently, I've…tctalksDecember 9, 2020