Stories My mind is torn I have been diagnosed with depression. I am on anti-depressants so my mind isn’t as…tctalksMay 20, 2021
Stories Parents What are some ways I can control my emotions and not let the way my…tctalksMay 18, 2021
Stories Religion and Sexuality Why do my parents love to make me feel like a sinner or in the…tctalksMay 18, 2021
Stories 100% Anonymous Is this 100 percent anonymous? ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTION It can be difficult and even…tctalksMay 18, 2021
Stories Help Finding a New Relationship Can someone date I am looking for a boyfriend that is gay and that Is…tctalksMay 16, 2021
Stories Help with Dating I want to date someone between 13-17. HELP YOURSELF: Thank you for checking out Teen…tctalksMay 16, 2021
Stories My Mom Hits Me Hello. I'm 12 years old. Throughout the years I have been beaten, for as long…tctalksMay 14, 2021
Stories My Eating Disorder Concern hey, this is my story about my worries. im 15, and a freshman. the beauty…tctalksMay 14, 2021
Stories My mom is abusive my mom is sooo abusive. today my math teacher called her (don't judge me for…tctalksMay 14, 2021