Stories I Just Want to Be Me I need some advice from you guys. I may not take it, but I feel…tctalksAugust 17, 2017
Stories Falling Out With a Close Friend I had a falling out with one of my close friends in December of 2016.…tctalksAugust 17, 2017
Stories Stranger Addiction I am obsessed with going online and talking with strangers. I have been doing this…tctalksAugust 17, 2017
Stories Life Is Hard I feel like no one cares about me. I am twelve years old and I…tctalksAugust 16, 2017
Stories I Don’t Want to Live I want to end my life. CONSIDER THIS Life can be difficult in many ways.…tctalksAugust 14, 2017
Stories Being a Bully I am concerned that I may be a bully to my peers. I asked my…tctalksAugust 14, 2017
Stories Bad Car Accident I got into a bad single-car speeding accident last night. My friend and I are…tctalksAugust 8, 2017
Stories Feeling Lost and Alone After a Break-up My whole life I've wanted to be loved. I always wanted someone who would take…tctalksAugust 7, 2017
Stories I’m Going Through Depression I used to be a happy and social kid. I could talk to anyone and…tctalksAugust 5, 2017
Stories Lost and confused regarding him I have had a very rough last few months. I have been dating who I…tctalksAugust 3, 2017
Stories Should I Tell My Boyfriend That I Have Hepatitis B? I am 25 years old, and I have Hepatitis B. I have a boyfriend but…tctalksAugust 3, 2017
Stories Dealing with depression and loneliness I feel alone. My girlfriend and I have been long distance dating for a while…tctalksAugust 2, 2017
Stories She is pushing me away My girlfriend is going through a lot right now. She is pushing me away. CONSIDER…tctalksAugust 2, 2017
Stories Trouble with my family accepting my sexuality So I've been on here for a while and I have been having trouble talking…tctalksAugust 1, 2017
Stories Ten years ago, my mom almost killed me in an accident. When i was two and a half my birth mother almost killed me in a…tctalksJuly 30, 2017
Stories Is Honesty the Best Policy? Have you ever had a secret that eats you alive, completely ruins your life, and…tctalksJuly 29, 2017
Stories I miss cutting I know it is stupid, but I miss cutting. I crave it. Though I do…tctalksJuly 26, 2017
Stories Can I live somewhere else? My mother is overly Christian and hates anti-Christians, like me. She also hates video games,…tctalksJuly 26, 2017
Stories 16 and Depressed I'm 16, I'm depressed, and I'm having constant anxiety when I am in school. It's…tctalksJuly 25, 2017
Stories I Want My Ex-boyfriend Back Help, my best friend is in love with my ex-boyfriend, but I want him back...!!!!!!…tctalksJuly 25, 2017
Stories Which Boy Do I Choose? This year I have been taking an interest in boys and I can't pick between…tctalksJuly 25, 2017
Stories What Is Up With My Friend? My beautiful best friend hasn't been answering my messages for months. Since we're not at…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories How to Handle School, Relationships, and the Future? Hey. So, I am at a really weird point in my life. I'm 17 and…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Who Do I Like? Before when I started school, I liked two guys. One was older and one was…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Losing a Friend Hey, I'm sad and looking for some help. My best friend moved away. We were…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories I Have No Say In My Family! I feel like no one cares about my opinion. Every time they ask me for…tctalksJuly 24, 2017
Stories Help me inherit my Brother’s Smartphone! HELP! I have about fourteen days to convince my dad to let me have my brother's…tctalksJuly 23, 2017
Stories Please help! Please help! I have about fourteen days to convince my dad that I can have…tctalksJuly 23, 2017
Stories Trouble with dad My mom says I have to do as my father says yet he isn't even…tctalksJuly 20, 2017
Stories Coping With Losing My Cat We got my cats shortly after we moved when I was in 8th grade. I…tctalksJuly 18, 2017
Stories Struggling with anti-gay bullies My name is Samantha and I just want to say I am gay. But I…tctalksJuly 17, 2017
Stories I hate myself so much right now I ended my relationship with my now ex-girlfriend around two days ago. I hate it…tctalksJuly 13, 2017
Stories My Mom Does Not Like My Boyfriend I am done with my mom. Seriously, I cannot take it anymore. All I want…tctalksJuly 12, 2017
Stories Depression I have been in the hospital for four months and I just got discharged. I…tctalksJuly 7, 2017
Stories Wants to Leave an Intimate Relationship Hello, I am in an awful situation right now. I have a strong want to…tctalksJuly 6, 2017
Stories Crush I have this crush on a boy for almost three years. My friend whom I…tctalksJuly 5, 2017
Stories The Torment of Being Bullied I am being bullied. Sometimes it is physical and sometimes it is mental. Every school…tctalksJuly 5, 2017
Stories Life Isn’t Fair? More Like Life is Parents I'm a 16 year old with bad depression. Staying stuck in a house all day,…tctalksJuly 5, 2017
Stories Worried about Virginity I am a virgin and I do not want to be a virgin. CONSIDER THIS:…tctalksJuly 4, 2017
Stories I Can’t Stop My Anger I handle whatever life throws at me. I can deal with the stress from my…tctalksJuly 4, 2017
Stories Can’t Stop I handle whatever life throws at me. I can deal with the stress from my…tctalksJuly 4, 2017
Stories Sensitive to Criticism I am a self-diagnosed "Aspergirl". Basically, I take time to process outside information, experience confusion…tctalksJuly 1, 2017
Stories I Feel So Numb Is it possible to feel nothing at all? I'm a recovering addict; a year and…tctalksJune 30, 2017
Stories Trying to Make this Relationship Work Will be Difficult. I dated this boy for only about two months. We broke up, but I was…tctalksJune 30, 2017
Stories Struggling with Depression So, I'm not sure what to say here. I'm new to this site. I'm struggling…tctalksJune 30, 2017
Stories Dog Problems I am terrified of dogs, and I am staying at my cousin's house for the…tctalksJune 29, 2017
Stories Stories Question What happened to the old stories? I left a response and wanted to see if…tctalksJune 29, 2017
Stories Problems with a relationship So basically me and this boy met at this party and then I called him…tctalksJune 27, 2017
Stories Confused about feelings for an ex. My ex-boyfriend and I broke up almost 2 years ago. We were best friends who…tctalksJune 23, 2017
Stories I don’t know I just finished middle school a few weeks ago and I'm thinking about the future.��I'm…tctalksJune 23, 2017
Stories Problems with anger I'm a girl who has anger management problem. CONSIDER THIS: You are not alone. Many…tctalksJune 21, 2017
Stories Is it anxiety? How do you know you have anxiety? CONSIDER THIS: If you are wondering whether you…tctalksJune 21, 2017
Stories I met this guy So the other day I met this guy who is so hot like fire. I…tctalksJune 21, 2017
Stories I feel depressed I feel depressed a lot. I cope with it by rebuilding my other emotions, but…tctalksJune 20, 2017
Stories Too much too little That describes my mind. I have the tools to use my knowledge, but I can't…tctalksJune 20, 2017
Stories Feeling alone Lately I have been feeling like I am alone, and no one cares about my…tctalksJune 20, 2017
Stories I can’t handle the pressures of getting a job I'm kinda scared. I'm being pressured into getting a job by my family. I'm stuck…tctalksJune 20, 2017
Stories Feeling like a target I just heard about a black woman being murdered in front of her kids by…tctalksJune 19, 2017
Stories My committed ex wants to be friends My ex-boyfriend and I broke up almost 2 years ago. We were best friends who…tctalksJune 18, 2017
Stories Getting over the anger of betrayal? I was super close with a friend that I'd had for a very long time. …tctalksJune 18, 2017
Stories I’m stressed out to the max trying to raise money for a trip First of all, I love the new website look; I hadn´t visited in a while,…tctalksJune 18, 2017
Stories How to describe who I am and how I feel I am a girl. I am very happy with who I am, and I love…tctalksJune 18, 2017
Stories Family Troubles I am a normal teenager. I hook up with guys, I smoke weed, and I…tctalksJune 15, 2017
Stories Still not 100% Over an Ex-Boyfriend My ex-boyfriend and I broke up almost 2 years ago. We were best friends who…tctalksJune 13, 2017
Stories Movie theater hook-up Help! I am going to the movies with my friend tonight, and he wants to…tctalksJune 13, 2017
Stories I sent a strange text to my crush. What do I do now? Hi. I did something and I need some advice. I'm friends with this girl at…tctalksJune 12, 2017
Stories Is there some sort of trick to just not caring what they think? I'm 13 and I have a very noticeable hunchback and Tourette's syndrome. I'm really on…tctalksJune 12, 2017
Stories Crush Help I've had a crush on this girl at my school for almost a year now.…tctalksJune 12, 2017
Stories What should I do?? Sorry for being a bother. So, I'm a 15 year old, and I think I might…tctalksJune 11, 2017
Stories Dating and Insecurities Hello, I was hoping I could get some advice on how to help a friend.…tctalksJune 11, 2017
Stories Taking it out in the wrong place My so-called "friend" has been leaving me out of things for a while. I finally…tctalksJune 10, 2017
Stories Paranoid Problem Sometimes when I am at school I am paranoid. It really makes me mad that…tctalksJune 10, 2017
Stories Scared to fall in love Scared to fall in love. CONSIDER THIS: Love can be scary because it means you…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories Where do I belong? I'm in a world where everyone is tough and I'm standing here in the dark;…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories I feel like I’m wasting away I've been extremely unhealthy both physically and mentally. I'm exhausted of everything and I have…tctalksJune 9, 2017
Stories School phobia is real Hi. I suffered from depression and anxiety problems that were brought on from school. I'm…tctalksJune 8, 2017
Stories Is sex a big deal? Lately, I have been wanting to lose my virginity. All my friends are not virgins…tctalksJune 8, 2017
Stories Bullied for being poor I don't have stylish stuff like everyone else does. Every time I watch TV I…tctalksJune 7, 2017
Stories Relationship Issues I'm 19 and married to a guy in the military. I also just entered my…tctalksJune 7, 2017
Stories I have a crush There's this guy at school 'S'. I had a crush on him since December. About…tctalksJune 7, 2017
Stories No one understands how I feel. No one understands me. I've been diagnosed with depression and a mild anxiety disorder, but…tctalksJune 7, 2017
Stories Scared for my girlfriend I just recently found out that my girlfriend has an eating disorder and she went…tctalksJune 5, 2017
Stories Missing someone My grandpa lived with us ever since I can remember. We were very close and…tctalksJune 5, 2017
Stories To be a teenager is to be misunderstood I'm a teenage girl who has been on the move since I was 3 years…tctalksJune 5, 2017
Stories No one cares if I do drugs I'm 15 years old and I have been through a lot of rough times here…tctalksJune 4, 2017
Stories Do I need to move to get over him? I dated a guy who I was deeply in love with, but I was afraid…tctalksJune 3, 2017
Stories My boyfriend doesn’t want to wait I’m 14, about to turn 15. I lost my virginity to my ex-boyfriend because I…tctalksJune 3, 2017
Stories Need some support OK, here goes. I just found out that my dad is gay. And that is…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories What’s going on with me? For about a year and a half now I have thought that I might be…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories Feelings for a friend I'm a female and my name is J. I have recently had another female tell…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories Identity Ever since I was seven years old, I have had the feeling that I wasn't…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories I Still Love Him I have a huge problem. I really hope you can help me. I truly believe…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories Dangers of smoking I first started smoking when I was 11 and I remember being told that you…tctalksJune 1, 2017
Stories He only wanted me for my body I recently had a rather short "relationship" with a close friend of mine. Or, more…tctalksMay 31, 2017
Stories Should I just run away? Lately, I've been feeling lonely and depressed. I do nothing but cry over the most…tctalksMay 31, 2017
Stories I need help for headaches! About a year ago I started to get these really bad headaches. I tried Tylenol…tctalksMay 31, 2017
Stories Seriously, I am invisible! There are so many things going on at once and it seems like nobody sees…tctalksMay 31, 2017
Stories I just want out! My father (biological, been living with him my whole life) hates me with a passion.…tctalksMay 31, 2017